Monday, June 28, 2010

Re-Starting P90X + running

JUNE 28, 2010

It has been a year since i started this crazy blog, note there is only one entry other than this one. Anyway I wanted to get it out there that I am trying really hard to have a great year and so far it has been nothing less than amazing. I have a few more goals to reach and it just so happens running and weight loss are still a part. I am currently at my high school weight, but that is still 256. I have started running and plan on doing my next 5k this Saturday morning. I am also going to keep writing on this each day just for journals sake. Basically this will help me keep track of my working out, eating and goals. Work is work and life is life, but I am trying to make the most of both. I hope everyone is having a great Monday, this is the start of a big week for me for a few different reasons. I will share more about that tomorrow night. I will lose 15lbs in the month!

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