Something interesting I heard recently was that people who want to be famous and live life through the arts are thin-skinned. In other words if you are an actor or singer it is your vulnerability that allows you to convey a message and the same vulnerability opens you up to criticism.
This is similar to the idea of having to fail to succeed. If we aren’t willing to sacrifice for ourselves, how can we ever expect to reach the dreams we pursue? Constantly wondering what might have been is no way to go through life. If you would have told me in high school that before I was thirty I would have a wife, a child, two cars, a house and a career I might have laughed in your face. Again, if you told me I would run the Tulsa run and rack up half a dozen 5ks, the laughter would have been from the belly and with much gusto.
It’s like when I ask my son about trying food. “How do you know you don’t like it if you never try it?” I think the same goes for many aspects of our lives. Who knew running could be fun?
This past weekend I ran an adventure race called the Warrior Dash. It took place in Morris, Ok. (Two miles south of the middle of nowhere) Down a back county road a wild day of mud and muck awaited us.
14 obstacles and 3.33 miles No problem, I’ve been running, I’m ready. As the fire shot from the pyro-cannons and the shot sounded the race was a go. The first mile was a breeze, a nice run through mowed down tall grass, small sticks trees and rocks sticking up from under the laid down grass but nothing debilitating. I guesstimate about 9min. Obstacle one marked the beginning of the toughness.

Finally a sign reading: 2.5 Miles. As we rounded a bend the hill ahead was walking only, no way anyone was running. After crawling under barbed wire crawling over a balance beam and ducking under swinging tires the last three obstacles were almost back to back.
A short jog to the tallest cargo net, down the other side and off to the fire jump, two piles of burning logs and coals. Into the mud and water of the final barbed wire topped obstacle. Finish line, and done!
Talk about work. I was tired and worn out. But without caring about my time I felt like I had really accomplished something. Turns out it was just under an hour, 55 min of a 5k from hell.
I risked my wellbeing to accomplish something that helped my wellbeing. A mental victory over fitness and weight loss and a physical victory over the course and my own body.
As proud as I was of myself, nothing prepared me for the pride I felt as my wife decided on the spot to take on the challenge. I saw how strong she can be when she needs to be and how a tough woman is sexy! (Being covered in mud and water didn’t hurt.)
We stood together in our accomplishment and what a fun shared experience. An added bonus was our son was there and got to see that his mom and dad are pretty cool so far.
I know that life is full of shared experiences and nothing bonds people better than overcoming difficult challenges. Sure, a fun yet grueling race might sound silly but we will have that memory forever. There are bigger struggles behind us and might be others ahead but it is great to know that when met with a challenge we won’t back down.
It seems that being content is another way of saying you give up. I don’t want to give up. My life plan is not yet fully realized and in time maybe pieces of the past will grown into something bigger and better. Building on the past and taking risks might be difficult but nothing is impossible.
Bring on the next race and bring on the world.
This was one a really good read. The race was tough as poo, yet was a blast. Good job btw.