Monday, May 21, 2012

When TV Theme Songs Ruled the World

I was inspired by a video last night that really got me thinking. What ever happened to the TV theme song? Are we all so A.D.D. we can’t handle a minute or two theme song? Or is it just a waste of time in the eyes of television executives? Either way I miss them.

I was born in 1982, a magical time when we still celebrated Saturday morning cartoons and Disney still made musicals. TV show theme songs originated from radio and continued evolving or devolving depending on your opinion. No more than a clever jingle of sorts that got you in the mindset and mode, ready for an adventure or a laugh. If you were two rooms over and heard the first few notes, it was time to come running. No TiVo or DVR to start it over, if you missed it you missed it.

There have been hundreds of theme songs over the years. It’s funny how certain theme songs are just a part of the American musical landscape and in fact reach more people than radio ready hits.

Jumping back in television history we find classic black and white shows with theme music such as Rawhide
1959-1965. This song takes you to the old west and is catchy as any pop hit on the radio. Through films like the Blues Brothers Rawhide has reached beyond its original audience and is known around the globe.

One of the most popular theme songs from the 1960s would have to be the Batman theme - With only one word in the lyrics, BATMAN, it was simple and again known to this day, some 50 years later.

A new show in 1969 rolled into the second season and into the 70’s.The television theme song would change forever.
The Brady Bunch told their own story in their own words. With only five seasons on the air, this song is one of the most well known songs in American history, tied with the Star Spangled Banner, ha-ha.  

In the 1980s TV theme songs became standard for the biggest hit shows. – Family Ties 1982 – Who’s the Boss? 1984

The 1980s had countless theme songs and many shows crossed over into the 1990s. As I began watching more and more TV, the popularity of the theme song hit its peak. This brings me back to the reason for this blog topic. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. If you are a human under the age of 45, odds are you have heard or know this theme song. – Original Theme rapped by Will Smith (AKA The Fresh Prince) This version has an extra verse that was cut from the on-air show to save time.
Will Smith was recently on a BBC show called The Graham Norton Show. Even in England the audience was quick to rap the words as if it hadn’t been 22 years ago since the show premiered. - Will Smith on Graham Norton

It was also in the 90’s when hits like Friends, Full House and Family Matters ruled the primetime sitcom universe. (Is it just me or do the Full House and Family Matters songs sound the same?) – Family Matters 1989-1997

In recent years theme songs have been chopped down to a few seconds or a few notes depending on the show. Major hits like Modern Family, The Office and 30 Rock don’t even have lyrics, just short instrumental numbers enough to show the title screen and maybe the cast. I don’t know if a theme song adds to a show but it sure makes it easier to remember.

I am proud to be a child of the 80s and not at all ashamed to tell you I pulled 95% of these from memory. Hope you enjoy your Monday look back at TV theme songs. Let me know which one stays in your head all day!
Afterthoughts – Gilligan’s Island, Happy Days, Andy Griffith, Adam’s Family, All in the Family, Family Guy, The Simpsons et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.


  1. One glaring omission... "its alllright, cuz im Saved By the Bellll"...

  2. Exactly what I was going to say! Where was Saved by The Bell at?! Kidding. And you are SO right....all you had to hear was the first few notes of the song and you had to sprint into the living room to get your spot on the couch. I really miss TGIF! :) Good post!
