by Travis Peck
Something funny happens when you first are born,
Sunlight is brighter and your mother is warm,
As you entered the room the focus was you,
I guess not all is different this still holds true.
Now at first it seems scary and a bit much to take
How you yelled and you hollered and scrunched up your face,
But from every second since life first began,
I have been and will be your most biggest big fan.
So as a small child you see things brand new,

There are firsts and forevers most bigger than you,
The world stays the same and slowly you grow,
At first very quickly and later you slow.
While in this long journey as soon I did find,
Life makes you change and complain and sometimes even blind,
Because there are so many things to take you far away,
It becomes hard to imagine a place where fantasies play.
I almost lost my imagination as every year would pass,
Until one day I had a son and I knew that it would last.
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