We’ve all seen it in the movies and heard it from our family or friends, take a deep breath and count to ten. Well sometimes when it comes to having a bad day, shortness of breath and counting just don’t cut it. Here are a few things I do that make the worst day just a little bit better.
Make time to be alone. It might only be for a brief moment or maybe an evening on the town. We can’t think clearly if we are constantly being bombarded by questions and chores and life’s little things. Take time for you and think back to something that made you proud or a person that touched your life.
Sing out loud. Music is a part of everyone’s life and what better way to get those worries and anger out than to turn up the radio or Ipod. Find a song that matches your mood or maybe a song that reminds you of a great day or time in your life. Sing loud and sing often it massages the soul.
Run. Workout. Something physical. On the worst day when you feel like lying on your bed and eating chicken wings all night, you are just prepping for another bad day tomorrow. If you run or workout you can take all the mess from the day and in failure find a silver lining of accomplishment. Mark it down as a win.
Call your mom. Or Dad. It doesn’t matter how bad I feel inside or out, my parents always find a way to make me feel better about me. It’s almost like they love you no matter what, weird right. They have those extra few years that might just show you a way through a problem.
Listen to your kids read. I know this isn’t an option for everyone, but if you have this option take it. Especially if they are young, take advantage of feeling smarter than they are and also loving the fact that they are unburdened by jobs, stress and work. If you can see the joy in them, how could you not be happy?
Hug your spouse. It is amazing as a man the comfort I get in the hug of my wife. Day to day I feel tough and strong and know I could protect her in a time of need. But a hug from her makes me melt and takes the hurt of the day down two notches in one brief moment. It’s the human equivalent of the dog belly rub.
Commit. The day is over, commit to making the next day better in three ways. You decide what aspects of the day you are going to improve on and at the end of it you will know you have power over your life. Don’t dwell on the problems start fixing them as you plan and take action when you wake.
Sometimes it seems like there are millions of problems and only a few hundred solutions, but with each step we take forward we gain knowledge. Our problems change year to year and our situations can only be changed by us. “God gives every bird its food, but He doesn’t throw it into its nest.” – J.G Holland
Sing out loud. Music is a part of everyone’s life and what better way to get those worries and anger out than to turn up the radio or Ipod. Find a song that matches your mood or maybe a song that reminds you of a great day or time in your life. Sing loud and sing often it massages the soul.
Run. Workout. Something physical. On the worst day when you feel like lying on your bed and eating chicken wings all night, you are just prepping for another bad day tomorrow. If you run or workout you can take all the mess from the day and in failure find a silver lining of accomplishment. Mark it down as a win.
Call your mom. Or Dad. It doesn’t matter how bad I feel inside or out, my parents always find a way to make me feel better about me. It’s almost like they love you no matter what, weird right. They have those extra few years that might just show you a way through a problem.
Listen to your kids read. I know this isn’t an option for everyone, but if you have this option take it. Especially if they are young, take advantage of feeling smarter than they are and also loving the fact that they are unburdened by jobs, stress and work. If you can see the joy in them, how could you not be happy?
Hug your spouse. It is amazing as a man the comfort I get in the hug of my wife. Day to day I feel tough and strong and know I could protect her in a time of need. But a hug from her makes me melt and takes the hurt of the day down two notches in one brief moment. It’s the human equivalent of the dog belly rub.
Commit. The day is over, commit to making the next day better in three ways. You decide what aspects of the day you are going to improve on and at the end of it you will know you have power over your life. Don’t dwell on the problems start fixing them as you plan and take action when you wake.
Sometimes it seems like there are millions of problems and only a few hundred solutions, but with each step we take forward we gain knowledge. Our problems change year to year and our situations can only be changed by us. “God gives every bird its food, but He doesn’t throw it into its nest.” – J.G Holland
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