Monday, April 23, 2012

3,034 Calories – Let the Battle Begin!

(If this doesn’t get results, I am going to buy a pair of size 60 waist jeans and take after pics anyway.)

It is the start of my third week blogging and I haven’t touched on fitness or food. If you notice the URL for this site ( I first started blogging in 2009 at the beginning of a P90X workout cycle, but failed to complete that round and stalled out on the blog after only a couple entries. Things have changed and I don’t plan on stopping the blog anytime soon. I think it is time to give P90X another try!

Five years ago before a vacation I completed the 90days and as a result lost 30lbs. (10lbs a month) I weighed 239lbs, the least I have weighed since eighth grade. I have reached up to 278 and back down to 250. Currently I weigh 265.

Okay, why is this guy sharing with the world his inability to keep weight off? Well damn it I am nearly back at 100% health wise and now I want the fitness to match the desire. Along with my P90X workouts, I also have a grand plan that might just revolutionize the world of exercise. I call it “What did you do at the gym today?”

I am going to ask people to submit their workout from the day via text message, Facebook message or post, email or comments on this blog and I am going to try and match it the next day. Don’t worry I am not going to start blogging about the apple I ate and the push-up I did. Every two weeks I will give an update. I am going to base increasing fitness on a certain criteria including a mile and two mile run time, consecutive push-ups and how many minutes of my P90X workout I don’t skip, haha.

I could list a bunch of excuses of why I seem to yo-yo, as they say, between 250 and 270lbs, but it is a simple fact, I eat too much. It is time to get back on track with a rewards system that includes great food from great restaurants not weekends filled with junk food binging.

Some of you can’t relate and to that I say piss off. Just kidding! I know that we are all different and in fact our bodies vary immensely. Genetics, metabolism, drive and will power are just a few factors in the battle of the bulge, but now I am taking an army with me.

I hate to put a tag on this day but since I am blogging about it and my tens of readers might expect something I shall call it:
Travis’ Super Weight Loss, True Fitness, Strength and Power,
P90X Gym Spectacular-- Day 1.

April 23, 2012 - Just by happenstance it is exactly eight months until my 30th birthday. How about a goal? 40lbs off by December 23. (225lbs) Seems doable.

Out on the internet they have these calorie calculators and with a few simple numbers height, weight, age and gender they estimate your intake needed. Mine, with moderate exercise, was 3,034(gasp). In other words if I can get rid of 500 a day I should lose a pound a week. The sad part about this information is that I must be taking in more than this to gain weight! Yikes. So I guess the Michael Phelps diet doesn’t work if you take away the swimming.

I enjoyed the weekend full of high-class and low-class food. We enjoyed our date night at Villa Ravenna at The Farm shopping center in Tulsa. Some of the best food I have ever had and a wonderful atmosphere make for a great fine dining experience. - Wonderful restaurant
Low-class, Sunday afternoon we had Van de Kamp’s beer battered fish sticks, Always Save Mac and Cheese, Coleslaw and a Little Debbie Oatmeal Pie for dessert.
Yee-Freakin’-Haw! - These are good, sadly.

Talking the talk, now time to Walking the walk. Here we go people.
3,034 Calories in perspective:
5.6- Big Macs
6.4- Sonic Sausage Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burritos
14.8- Cups of white rice
44- Oranges
606- Dill Pickle Spears

A few of my favorite quotes about weight loss come from Kevin James’ comedy special “Sweat the Small Stuff” –
“I gotta get in shape. Or else I gotta hope that ponchos come back in style.”

“I have a different level of fitness goals. For example when I brush my teeth I don’t want to see jiggling. Once I reach that I just have to maintain.”

“People always like to give you advice. ‘You should chew suger-less gum.’ Yeah, cause my ass got fat from Bazzoka. That’s where I veered off right there. – This is Part 3 of 3 on YouTube. If you have free time watch it all, otherwise watch this part it pertains to food and weight loss.

Happy Monday! Thanks for Reading.

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